Part 20: Never trust a wizard
Part XX: Never trust a wizard
Since we're a praetor, we're allowed access to the third floor to see Erebus, Gaelius's loremaster. What a waste of floor space.

We have many questions.

Basically, much of what the records say doesn't pass the smell test.

I like Erebus's description of why empires rise and fall.

We saw one of those warnings (kind of) in the hidden room under Saross.

We can only show him the Jellyfish artifact.

So it's some sort of key. Good to know.

A boost in Etiquette. At least we know which fork to use when eating salad now.
Speaking of showing our stuff to loremasters...

The metal glove is used to manipulate machines from other realms. Okay then! The part about needing to see the other realms seems important.
If we show Abukar the reliquary, he pisses his pants and yells at us to get out, so we do.

We're going on our second trip to Zamedi. Hopefully, the artifact Gaelius gave us will do something about the force field.

It works! Side note: the demon core we picked up from the dead Guardian does the same thing.

It's good to see stone demons amuse themselves by reading.

With a Streetwise of 5, we can sense the Guardian is fibbing about the treasure.

Don't fight this Guardian. Unlike its counterpart in Inferiae, this one is fully functional and will slice us to ribbons in seconds.

Find ring, bring it back. Simple.

This looks exactly like the strange chamber under Inferiae.

oh shit run

Made it. Let's look around.

Mass distribution... gravitational wells... voids, charted and uncharted... low-density space... physical evidence... cognitive dissonance... universal mechanism...

Ferrous and non-ferrous extractive metallurgy... pyrometallurgy... thermal treatment... energy output variations... sustainable temperatures and proposed solutions...

Forms of energy... laws of conservation... conversion of electromagnetic radiation to thermal energy... a treatise on dispersion, dissipation, and absorption... solar-thermal collectors...
I don't understand any of this!

Finally, something I can really use.

Yet another artifact we don't know how to use. Par for the course.
Besides a chest full of alchemical ingredients, there's nothing else of note. Time to go upstairs.

The windows contain energy fields instead of glass, because Magi are just too good for silica.

We'll figure that out soon.

Let's examine the image first.

Probably not a good thing. On the bright side, we have some leverage over the Guardian.
Time to figure out how this contraption works.

You need an Intelligence above 7 and an absurd level of 10 in Lore to figure out this thing.

First up: the portal network.

We can teleport to two places, one of which (the ziggurat) is the endgame. We'll visit both locations later, so we're not using the network.
Looking for more information on the Gods yields something far more interesting.

Okay, not immediately, but trust me. Let's start by looking up info on the war.

It was very, very bad. Next query:

We finally meet Abu Hassan, albeit not in the flesh. By the way, I like that al-Sarabi means "the mirage." Sums him up nicely.

These recording are a plot bombshell. I''ll admit I was pretty staggered when I discovered them.

Might that scroll be the one we found with the surgical tools?

Balzaar again. Something tells me this ended up being another poor decision.

I was right!

Agathoth? Thor-Agoth?
Time to go back to the Guardian.

Not so fast.

Thought as much.

This Guardian is one sarcastic construct.

That's one mystery solved.

We can assume the other magus in the recordings was Marcus Domitius.

You're really pushing it, dude. Just because you're a superior life form doesn't mean I'm going to take shit from you.

Pretty sure we're not wrong. Plus, Abu Hassan said "We lost two more. Now we are three against four."

To sum up: The Magi were transferring the essence of extradimensional cosmic beings of immense power into human bodies and containing them with wards. At some point, the wards fail, the gods take over the vessels and start nuking cities (as an Elder God would do if one attempted to trap it), although it seems a few remained somewhat human judging by the "three against four" comment. The Qantari attack and the apocalypse kicks off. From the recordings, we can gather Balzaar, one of the god-things, eventually betrayed the Magi and had to be put down -- remember the story about Abu Hassan defeating Balzurath? With the help of Thor-Agoth/Agathoth, the "demons" are defeated.
According to the Guardian, the Qantari Servants first made contact with the otherwordly entities and convinced the Magi to use their technology to bring the things here. Something happened, presumably the whole "wards failed" thing, the Magi blame the Qantari and attack, which sets off a war.
In other words, this is all the fault of a bunch of bickering wizards. Never trust a wizard.
Two questions remain: what's at Al-Akia, and what happened to Agathoth?

Well, you were helpful...

Surprisingly, the Guardian doesn't rip our head off. It just leaves.

There's some stuff to find downstairs.

Eh, why not?

That's a fucking rifle.

Never mind the rifle, we've got a big sword!

The Bolter is arguably the best "crossbow" (it's classified as such) in the game. It uses only 1 AP to fire, so if you have high DEX and a high crossbow skill, you can run around the map and shit on your foes at range.
Let's get out of here.

Okay, maybe I didn't think the whole "let the giant construct roam free" thing through.

I suppose the Guardian could have been lying, but the recordings corroborate its story.

Erebus has a point. Knowing what we know, do we really want the possibility of someone imitating Abu Hassan?

Meru got caught with his hand in the cookie jar, so Gaelius is giving him a hard spanking.

Judging by what we've heard, Meru is a true believer.

For fuck's sake.

Gaelius doesn't give a fuck about ancient history!

I'll admit I have a bit more respect for House Daratan now. It's too bad Antidas is all that's left.

After upping our Lore skill, let's see if we can read the scroll from Antidas's collection.

It's a mantra to persuade air elementals to pull a flying chariot. Naturally.
There's one more place to go in this update: The Abyss. Remember those scrolls we couldn't decipher?

The creature is the result of the binding process. Considering the flashbacks it showed us, Galath was chosen to receive the Gift (read: having an unknown entity grafted into your body), but the "other" (Athazor) escaped, leaving Galath like this. Whatever he, or it, is now is extremely dangerous.

So let's fuck around with the console!

Of course we're going to power it up.

It's fine.

This is fine.


What did you expect would happen?
If you have a CON below 6, you die in the explosion. Reload!

Good riddance, honestly.

The Abyss is now just a giant hole.

You kill a god and people bitch at you for it. Where's the gratitude?

Next Time: Finishing up Maadoran